These videos support the material in Chapters 1 and 2 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are starred…
These videos support the material in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 17 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are…
In 2012, I was invited to become part of a group developing a specification and architectural design for a digital…
The latest (tenth) edition of my Software Engineering textbook was published in 2015. I have extensively revised and…
These videos support the material in Chapters 7, 8 and 9 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are…
These videos support the material in Chapter 10 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are starred (*).…
This case study focuses on the requirements for a system that I have called the Mentcare system, which is a real system…
All of the case studies that are shown here are used in the book. I have deliberately not used a single case study…
These videos support the material in Chapters 11 and 12 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are…
This case study discusses the control software for a personal insulin pump, which is used by diabetics to mimic the…
Rather than include the instructor’s guide as web pages, I have created a number of downloadable documents that discuss…
This case study is based on the software for a wilderness weather station that collects weather information in remote…
The links below are links to the slideshare presentations for each chapter of the book. You can view the presentation or…
These videos support the material in Chapters 19, 20 and 21 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are…
This case study describes the architecture of the Airbus 340 flight control system, a safety critical system that…
Many people find videos helpful in developing their understanding so I have made a number of videos on a range of…
I have designed my textbook to be a hybrid print-web book and the supplements here provide additional information over…
This case study describes the accident that occurred on the initial launch of the Ariane 5 rocket, a launcher developed…
As well as this site, I have two other websites. Images and Opinions, which is my personal site that includes…
These links display the web section in a new browser window. To keep a copy of the web section, use your browser to save…
In summary, the major updates and additions in this book from the 9th edition are:
A small number of minor errors have been discovered since the book was published.
Chapter 2, page 31, 6. The word…
The tenth edition of my Software…