Software reuse

These videos support the material in Chapters 15, 16 and 18 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. My videos are starred (*).

Software reuse

The reuse landscape (*)

In this video, I introduce the wide range of ways in which software can be reused.

Introduction to Web Application Frameworks

Introduces a number of web application frameworks although he doesn’t really say a great deal about what these actually are.

Software Product Line Engineering

A short talk on what is meant by product line engineering and why it is important. It would be improved with some graphics as its just a presenter talking to camera for 6 minutes.

What is ERP?

A good introduction to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems – one of the most widely used application systems that are reused.

The Ariane 5 launch failure

This video discusses how the failure of a reused software component led to the failure of the Ariane 5 rocket.

 Component-based software engineering

Component-based Software Engineering – Module 1

An introduction to CBSE based on my slides from an earlier edition. As the CBSE chapter has not changed much, this is still very relevant

Remoting Retrospective: DCE, COM, CORBA, RMI, RMI/IIOP, SOAP, REST , WebSocket

A survey of what the presenter calls ‘remoting systems’ i.e. systems to support component execution in a distributed architecture. These include object request brokers as used in CBSE and protocols to support remote service execution such as SOAP and REST.

Hidden risks of component-based software development

This video discusses some of the security risks of reusing components. The first 20 minutes is most relevant – after that the speaker goes on to talk about his specific product that is used for component management.

Introducing OCL

A short webinar explaining how to use the object constraint language to write business rules.

Service-oriented software engineering

Introduction to service-oriented architecture

Introduction to web services

These are two short videos that introduce the idea of web services and introduce some of the terminology associated with service-oriented architecture.

REST web services overview